Saturday, 28 May 2011

Wish I'd Read That Challenge 2011

So I was checking out blogs and such on Goodreads this morning and I came across the blog of Julie @knitting and sundries, and noticed she was taking part in the above named challenge.

I clicked on the link and it took me to a great blog called My Love Affair with Books.  I read through the guidelines and decided that I wanted to take part in this challenge as well.

I’m going to try and go all out for the Obsessed level in the challenge.  You have to read 20 books to reach this level.  Now I am already taking part in a few other challenges, some by myself and some through other sites, so I should hopefully be reading a lot this year.

I’ll be listing the books I read as I go and I’ll try to post the reviews on here as well as on Goodreads.

I’ll check back soon with updates.

P.S.   If you feel like joining the challenge too, follow the link below:

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