Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Urban Fantasy Reading Challenge Update

So, I've just spent an hour combing through the shelves and computer catalogue system at my local library to get some of the unread books for my challenge list.

I managed to collect:

Hard Magic by Laura Anne Gilman
The Sweet Scent of Blood by Suzanne McLeod
Greywalker by Kat Richardson
Staying Dead by Laura Anne Gilman

I've now been home and reserved the remainder of the books to my reserve list, so hopefully I should have a few more of them to tick off the list before I head back to work.

I was very surprised when I realized that only 3 books from this reading list aren't available at any of our city libraries.  I never knew there were so many Urban Fantasy readers in my city, but it's nice to know there are people like me who like to escape the everyday drudgery to fantastic worlds of magic and the paranormal :D

Now my hardest decision is going to be which one to read first...

Catch you all again soon with an update and hopefully some reviews :D

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